The next gNAc meeting will be – Wednesday, December 5th, 6:30PM at Firing Circuits.
(Please see below for address and directions.)
We hope to address the following items at the meeting:

  1. Membership plans – Develop a plan for reaching out to artists & arts organizations over the next 6 months.
  2. Program plans – Utilize list we developed last summer and sketch out a year’s (?) worth of monthly activities.
  3. Finances & legal status – Filing for 501c3 status
  4. Communications, website, etc.  –  Consider electing a VP or develop a committee for communications, website, etc.
  5. Related: Ongoing use of the domain and web hosting

I have also attached the Meeting Minutes from our Annual Meeting on November 13, 2012.
Directions to Firing Circuits
The address is One Muller Ave. (off Rte. 7/Maine Ave. between Dunkin’ Donuts & McDonalds.)
(Directions: Broad St. light with Rte. 7, then turn right on Sniffen which turns into Muller. You will see the Firing Circuits name on building. Door on 2nd Floor will be open.).
Please bring a chair if you can, though there will be some available.